
2 min readFeb 7, 2022

Create the most comprehensive law search engine and provide tools for tracking regulatory change.

Context: Over the last year our team has developed a process and technology for aggregating, normalizing, and tracking changes across US State, US Federal and International law.

Introducing: Committees

Committees will be public-facing and enable diverse communities of experts and non-experts to work together on legal topics.

The hypothesis: Aggregating and tracking change across laws, bills, court cases, influencers, groups, and non-legal sources in a single platform will change how non-profits, advocacy groups, reporting agencies, and global movements can influence and understand change.


I’m excited to share a few of the committee topicGuides:

Feedback: We are soliciting feedback and looking to engage existing communities to determine whether LawGuides are of high value. Please share, and any feedback is greatly appreciated.


The technology being developed alongside committees extends the platforms to include additional content types and will be used to extend the law search and discover services.

Blockchain: We are researching Blockchain and a DAO corporate structure to determine the best technologies and incentive structures to build trust, encourage multiple perspectives, maintain law, and scale committees from regional to global topics.

White Papers are being prepared. If you’re interested in learning more. Please register here.

Thank You




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